. february 17, 2003 .

Just call me Tisiphone Two Cakes. I seem to have inadvertantly impressed the staff this afternoon when I revealed that I had not only brought dessert, but baked 2 cakes (one poppy seed; one peanut butter chocolate marble). Overall, the poppyseed had a greater impact - I suppose that everyone's trying to eat just a little bit better these days. That, and the fact that the peanut butter icing looked like a filled diaper. Yum.

The only downside was that I had to teach 3 classes in a row before the staff meeting, and the staff meeting was 45 minutes on assessment before they'd let us at the free sammiches (egg salad on 12 grain is my new best friend).

I love my class: part 6. Today my kids asked again what had happened to the GWAR shirt my brother wore for 62 days straight. I told them that as best we knew, it was "lost" by my father. Another kid, one who hadn't been there on Friday to hear the story, clamoured to know what were talking about. When he found out, he made the Austin Powers dumbsquizzeled noise: "uh-BUH." It was cute as all get out.

Today I had my first session with a personal trainer. She was very encouraging, which I suppose is what I'm paying her for. I kind of enjoyed the fact that half the exercises we performed didn't make use of the expensive equipment. I also enjoyed trying to do push-ups while balanced on the Pilates ball. Yes, I did fall off.

Also, I think I've lost five pounds (I'll confirm that tomorrow morning - right now I'm stuffed with brown beans and lentil soup). Pretty good for a week in which I binged on popcorn & banana yoghurt. Every time I second guess a granola bar, or think that I'm not doing enough exercise, I try to remember that as of 2 months ago I didn't exercise, ate whatever I wanted and finished most evenings stuffed to the gills with junk food. Even if I eat the almonds instead of the soy nuts, I'm still doing a hell of a lot better than I was doing in the fall.

Of course, I'd have to be a drug addict to be doing any worse.

The Boy is in Chicago this week to visit Pixie Stix. It's a typical geek vacation: hop on the Grey Hound with a cooler full of travel food (including flat bread and dried apricots), arrive in Chicago in the morning, visit an aquarium, go see Pixie's play, take in a cheap NHL game, and come home. His biology tutorial is really envious that he gets to visit such a large aquarium. I'm just sad that he's not around to make me happy. It's truly scary how many boring bits he fills with his sunny personality. Not only do I have to get my lunch together myself these days, but I have to amuse myself. Not good.

4 years ago today: Me: "My boyfriend broke up with me 3 months ago."
Audience: "Awwww..."
Me: "That's okay, we got back together. He's sitting over there." (point)