. february 19, 2003 .

Strung out in heaven's high / Hitting an all-time low...

Very sleepy girlie. Today I blew off the gym for the first time since I got my membership. I was kind of under the gun - my parents wanted me to visit my aunts after dinner, and I forgot to pick up my passport yesterday, so my choices were to do a quick and crummy workout, rush to see my aunts, and skip the gym tomorrow so that I could pick up my passport...or blow off the gym today and make up for it tomorrow. I think I chose wisely.

(It probably wasn't a good idea to eat so much ice cream for dessert, however. There's a good reason I haven't lost more than a pound, and that reason starts with Belphoebe Two-Cakes and ends in the cinnamon coffee cake sitting out at my aunt's house. Cakes be my undoing.)

And while I'm on a self-improving kick, I've joined FlyLady. Today's my first day, so I have a made bed and a sink full to the brim with bleachy water as we speak. In case you don't know about the FlyLady, it's a system of keeping your house clean that relies on short bursts of tidying and habits that maintain general cleanliness. Lucretia recommended it to me back in August, but this is the first time that I've felt together enough to even think about conquering the clutter that is my life. Well, that and the bathroom smells funny. I want it not to smell funny, and so I need some help with that objective. (Yes, I have cleaned it as best I know how. The smell persists. And now that the Boy's in Chicago, I know it's not him. Mostly.)

Today I told a kid that he was SOL. When he asked what that meant, I told him to meditate on it for awhile. When my students complain, I often say TS...even though I really shouldn't.

So there it is. I'm rocking the potty mouth in Canadian highschools. The kids still don't think that I'm cool.