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February 17, 1999.

In an effort to increase my iron count, I ate my first meal of liver tonight. All I can say is YUCK. That cloying, soft texture...brrr. Yesterday Mom & I went to the supermarket to replenish the house food supply after a week long vacation in Florida (my parents went on vacation, not the house. Keep up, here.) I find it's more fun to shop within parameters: iron-rich foods for me, low-cholesterol foods for Dad, and vegetarian foods for my brother. Eating healthy cuts down the bewildering array of choice somewhat.

Hmm. I find myself in a remarkably uncommunicative mood right now. Perhaps it's because 30 seconds sitting down at the computer makes me nauseous for some unfathomable reason. And since this project is a secret, I can't leave these screens up when I leave my seat to attend to my rambunctious digestive system. Irritating to the extreme. Damn cathode rays. Damn liver. Damn hemoglobin. Damn Alan Parson's Project. Argh.


In brief then, before lack-of-motion sickness strikes again: last night Little Spider, the Boy and me went out to a local Jam Nite. The concept is much like kareoke - except that you're backed up by a live cover band, with all that implies. They know different (and better) songs than are offered by kareoke machines, but you have to know the words. I used to go out all the time with my highschool friends to see the cover band that one of them knew (as the non-cover band Think Tank Fish, that is). Little Spider & I would stare at the very cute bassist, and occasionally I would feel drunk enough to get up & wail "White Rabbit." It was an interesting way to spend a Tuesday night.

The band last night was almost entirely different, except for (joy!) the bassist, who seems to be further developing the Callum Keith Rennie look that makes me swoon. The Boy displayed a sudden attack of shyness and refused to get up, so I had to do the living for our table. This time I sang "Can't Stand Losing You," just because I love to hear Tom play Police bass lines.

I have a funny attachment to that song - during the 3 days last November that the Boy and I were broken up, I must've listened to that song fifty times - and after we got back together, I kept hearing it everywhere. (It's kind of like my brief fixation on "Blue Monday" last May, following a disastrous meeting with Alexi on the dj platform of the Dance Cave while I was requesting that song.) I have an unaccountable desire to tell stories when some unsuspecting person puts me in charge of a live mike, and last night was no exception. Keeping all of the above in mind, I decided to play with the audience's emotions.

Me: "My boyfriend broke up with me 3 months ago."
Audience: "Awwww..."
Me: "That's okay, we got back together. He's sitting over there." (point)

The Boy was not pleased with his new-found notoriety. But Little Spider seemed to have a good time.


nausea nausea nausea...goodnight.

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