. march 25, 2003 .

It's been a pretty draining couple of days. I've been pegging away at my courses despite continued meetings with my evaluators that leave me drained, angry & over-worked. Yesterday I was asked if I had cut back on my antidepressants, because "it was likely to affect my judgement & perceptions."

What I should've said then was, "yeah, it does affect my judgement and perceptions: for example, my judgement that this is a shitty job that no sane human being would want has been completely clouded." It was one of those l'espirit d'escalier things.

Had my spirit renewed by the Human Rights Committee Meeting tonight: a dozen people just as fired up about oppression & equity as myself does much to make me feel sane. I love these meetings 'cause I get to talk & feel valued - not simply tolerated. Today we talked about oppression, and I spoke about how my racial identity, gentle upbringing, heterosexuality & advanced education is an invisible credit card that will never be maxed out. Gotta love them metaphors...