. february 6, 2003 .

"And lift! And flex! And hyper-extend!"

I finally did it. I joined a gym and signed up for 10 sessions with a personal trainer. I feel kind of like a tool now - I paid $500 for services that my inner voice insists just boil down to sit-ups and eating salad. I dunno. I know that I've been completely sedentary for almost 4 years now, if you don't count yoga, and that's long enough for my body to have developed a few quirks. I've never known how to eat properly, so if I can get even that out of it it'll be worth the money.

They have you write down goals on the sheet, like your current weight & your hoped-for weight. I wrote down 125 lbs, a weight I haven't seen since the ice-cream bars and French fries of Fung. Hey, aim high. She, the trainer I mean, assured me that it was more than possible to get there. The waist goal she wrote down made me shiver - I don't think my waist has ever been 28 inches. Well, maybe as a fetus. I think Jesse's head is 28 inches around.

Just thinking about it all, I'm starting to understand what my mother says about losing weight being like going backwards in time. If I lose 15 pounds, I'm back where I started the semester. If I lose 20 pounds, I'm in 1998, starting to date the Boy. If I lose 25, I'm in the first three years of university. 35 pounds and I'm back in highschool.

I wonder if my appetite for L7 will re-assert itself when I go down to teenager weight? I wonder if I'll start sneaking out the classroom door and wearing leotards to work? I wonder if I'll start drinking Southern Comfort? Boggling.

I spent a half-hour on the bikes this evening, sweating and mentally correcting the comically bad closed captioning on the Dr. Phil show (I don't get to chose the channel.) My goal for next week is to bring actual sweat pants, as I mistakenly packed a vest instead and I had to wear my work pants. Funky!

The semester continues to pass as if in a beautiful dream. Teresa came into my class last period, and immediately enlivened the room. I was so happy to have another adult in the room that I was reduced to an idiot smile. Everything's coming up Rocketbride this month. Yay!

2 years ago today: the first, best party at the anti-stephen's tiny house.