A short list of the Edmonton players, designed to refresh memories and revive the soul

The groom.
The bride.
Former co-best man, then the sole best man.
The co-best man who decided to stay halfway around the world with his pregnant wife.
The Syngens
Our host family in Port Edmonton. A wonderful clan in all particulars, the Syngens include:
  • Philip
  • Sula - the other honour attendant.
  • Elaine - the flower girlie.
  • Edmund
  • Boudicca
There was also a cat about, but we need not concern ourselves with him, other than noting that the presence of cat food on the floor gave the Blake his first taste of frisky treats, not to mention a real motivation to learn how to climb the single steep stair from the den to the kitchen.
The matron of honour.
The Boy
The Boy
The Blake
The Blake