I don't care if you don't want me cause I'm yours yours yours anyhow

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

may 2, 2003.

We got in to see a midwife yesterday. This was causing no small amount of anxiety for us, as every place we called was booked solid. I was puzzled (and more than a little frustrated: "I'm only 6 weeks pregnant!" I fumed to the Boy, "how can they be booked for November already?!") I was starting to consider a hospital birth with an OB/GYN when we got the call to come in. The Boy agreed to accompany me (which turned out to be exactly right, because he was needed in the decision-making process) and we trucked downtown for our first appointment.

It was an utterly impressive visit. I've never felt more comfortable in a clinical setting. Our midwife, Hectate, sat and talked with us for hours about options and philosophy. The Boy had been a little sceptical of the whole midwife thing when I mentioned it at first, but he came away a convert.

We've set up our second visit in two weeks. I can hardly wait.

Booty Call: Day 56 - Length: 30 mm (1 1/4 inch)