I don't care if you don't want me cause I'm yours yours yours anyhow

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

june 7, 2003.

So I wrote a bunch of stuff for this journal at school, but then I left my notebook on my desk. Sigh. I suppose I'll just have to make do.

Yesterday was a strange, compressed experience. The school ran a half-day so they could hold the annual carnival, and all of my classes were squeezed into the morning. This meant that by third period, my blood sugar was seriously low. I ate my yoghurt while marking ISU presentations. A kid behind me told me he hadn't eaten all day, so I gave him my pear. It was a very comfortable transition time to the très sucky carnival.

Now, back in Middleton, it may have been the centre of Wherethehellarewe, Canada but they sure knew how to pitch a ball. The Hogsboro High Carnival, on the other had, was attended by maybe 150 students with no one to drive them elsewhere, and it consisted of a barbeque, a battle of the bands and a few inflatable "games." I got outside just in time to hear one of my students play "The Sweater Song."

Dude! The last time I heard that live was in 1994, at a battle of the bands at MY highschool. So, so wrong.

I wandered around barefoot for awhile, and helped one of my colleagues watch the inflatable slide. It was hot, and all of the comfortable seats were taken. Eventually I made my way to the barbeque, and got the last hamburger. As it was cooking, another one of my students came over to see if he could have the burger. When he found out that it was mine, he made as if to spit on it.

"If you think, [student's full name], that I won't eat it because it's got your spit on it," I growled, "well, I've had much grosser things in my mouth."

"Like what?" he laughed. It took me two full minutes to think of something that wasn't dirty.

"Like shaving cream," I said finally.

Booty Call: Day 92 - A period of rapid growth begins. You may begin to feel Braxton Hicks contractions. This is your body's way of getting ready for birth.