spin spin

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

Summer Reading:

I Will Fear No Evil,
Robert Heinlein

(If you're a proper woman, you will have sex with anyone! Except girls, who are a sideshow to the main action: getting it on with men old enough to be your father!

Why do I keep doing this to myself?)

july 24, 2003.

Quiet day at Chez Loony Bin. The Boy's mother came over in the early afternoon, so we spent the morning cleaning like OCDemons. Not an easy feat, especially since I was up half the night listening to either LoserBoy or LoserGirl bang in & out of the apartment. After the Boy's mother had gone (escorted to her car by the Boy, of course), we heard incessant doorbell ringing in Female Crazy Neighbour's apartment. The Boy quickly confirmed that it was Brad ringing her bell, apparently trying to lure her out of the apartment. Sick.

In slightly more positive news, on the advice of Hectate I'm trying very hard to cut back my Diet Coke intake. When I started this journal it wasn't uncommon for me to drink a 2 litre bottle a day, and far into the night. I got down to one can a day by packing it in my lunch and not allowing myself any caffeine after 6 p.m. The deprivation headaches have mostly disappeared; now it's mostly an emotional habit that I need to break. I'm trying alternate days and seeing how that goes.

It's something I really want to do, but at the same time I balk at the idea that my baby's health is dependent on a complete absence of aspartame. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I don't wear binding clothes, I don't eat sushi & non-pasteurised cheese, I eat my greens, I drink my milk, I exercise, I get plenty of sleep - hell, I don't even lie on my belly! This is a little thing. Still, it appears to be the only game in town.

A few quick notes: Monday night we went out to the Dance Cave with Little Spider, Spike, Coraline, Exodus & Dirk. I had a lot of fun and I'm glad I never drank much at those nights to begin with, as now the water & boogie rations seem normal & fitting. We saw LS's new apartment, which is very orange & likeable (much like Golden Age Little Spider - she's still likeable, just not as orange).

(The above link was to a new blog she's writing. Fun for the whole cursed family!)

On Tuesday I came straight from my fitness appointment to Dirk's house, as the Boy was on a playdate and I was not about to go back into my house alone. Dirk made me yummy roast & we watched the customary 2 Buffy episodes (plus an audio commentary by Joss Wheedon that was high-larious).

Yesterday I wrote about StanFest, straightened up a few things with my school board and cleaned some crap out of my old green room at Mom & Dad's. Oh, and I nearly wet my pants looking at my mom's book of cake designs from 1989. There is a beefcake cake for bachlorettes in there that is TOO funny. I kept imagining the looks on people's faces if I made & brought it to every holiday: Christmas, Easter, birthdays, graduations, baby showers, anniversaries... Sigh. So funny. I think you had to be there.

Overall, not an exciting day, but the night's terror made up for it.

Booty Call: Day 139 - Your baby may get hiccoughs. This is normal and can be fun for siblings to feel. (Nic? I don't think so.)

4 years ago today: trading blow jobs for m&m's