. february 24, 2003 .

I don't so much want to be writing right now, but I suppose this is what they mean when they say "discipline."

Speaking of discipline, this eating at certain times stuff is for the birds. Honestly; what sensible human being eats dinner at 7 and snacks at 10? Most nights my goal is to be asleep by 7. I guess the logic is that with my 6 meals, I won't be hungry anymore. Hah! The drugs that I'm on make me hungry 24/7...and I wouldn't be surprised if they also slowed down my metabolism a trifle. After 3 weeks of eating at certain times, I have yet to lose a pound. I'd be discouraged if I didn't keep getting praise from the people around me - honestly, 3 weeks of suffering for nothing doesn't do a whizzbang job for raising the spirits. But I suppose that I could always do better. Just the lack of cake in my life this week should take care of some of it.

It's snowing a lot right now, but unfortunately it'll stop before I get a much-needed snow day. Bah. Stupid universe. I want to sleep late and...well, that's it, really. My ambitions begin and end with 3 extra hours in bed. We washed and changed the sheets yesterday, and now we have a flannel sheet keeping us cozy. I can hardly bear to leave it in the morning (which makes it almost indistinguishable from the time before we changed the sheets.)

Bed time.