august 7, 2003.

Well, that was weird.

This morning I went to an emergency meeting of my union's Human Rights Committee at a local Denny's. Our wonderful president is taking a ground-breaking position of environmental social justice in Atlanta this year, and we're now leaderless as we go into the new school year. Since this is so overwhelmingly quick, and since committee members tend to be heavily committed elsewhere, it was agreed that a joint position might be the best idea.

This is how I ended up volunteering.

It is absolutely insane that me - a girl who has been teaching for a whole year and who doesn't do any extracurricular stuff other than this, a girl who is going on maternity leave in November - is now the de-facto head of the committee. At the very least, I'll be chairing the meeting in September.

I'm planning on wearing a tiara.

The Boy thought I was joking when I told him. He immediately began talking as if I were Al Gore on the West Wing "Saturday Night Live" sketch. "No, bun," I said patiently, "I'm really the president of the committee now."

It's quite a promotion, considering that I didn't even spend the whole year as a committee member, and my previous ambition was to bring the baby to meetings so they could coo and I could talk with other adults.