august 6, 2003.

Awful day. I spent most of it crying & feeling utterly miserable.

On the positive side, we now have my parents' old 35mm camera, so the Boy's been fooling about with f-stops & shutter speeds all evening. I read somewhere that still pictures give a better sense of the birth process than video, and since I wasn't going to immortalize the moment by sticking a video cam where I sit down, I thought that properly taken still pictures might suffice. Besides, if the Boy's playing with a light meter, he'll be less likely to faint when he sees all of the fluids & solids that accompany a child into the world.

Although Little Spider did offer to take pictures, I somehow suspect that she just wanted the opportunity to say 'Amoret's twat' over and over in casual conversation.

There's an entry about the election in Nova Scotia in the works, but I need to do some research before it hatches. I know. Stop holding your breath.

Booty Call: Day 152 - Rapid eye movements begin. Your baby is better proportioned now.