october 10, 2003.

So lethargic. This week has kicked the crap out of me, and it's mostly due to the incompetent shambles of the administration. On Tuesday we had a half-day - so I taught 3 courses straight through, then went to an afternoon of professional development on the topic of literacy. After all of this concluded, I went to the local library to chill out & wait for the Boy to get home. Ever since FCN tried to lock the Boy out of the house on Monday morning, we've been extra vigilant - but it seems to be a quiet week in the nuthouse.

(Aside - for a woman who screams at us intermittently about "garbage smells," she's not at all shy about storing her recycling in the front hallway where I can trip over it every morning & night. I've been thinking about stealing a small piece of her garbage every time I pass by, just to fuck with her. But I really shouldn't. Right?)

Wednesday was a long, long day that included my last gym appointment (I can't do any more cardio on the treadmill or bikes; it hurts too much) and a 2 1/2 hour stint at my parents during which I accomplished absolutely nothing. Nic seems anxious to make up with me, though...he even kissed the top of my head when he took off for Indian food. I like nice Nic. We had a talk on Sunday night about conflict resolution, and I'll have to see if it gets easier with him. He's very frustrated with my parents, but then again, he always is, so it's not like I need to make special allowances for him.

Yesterday (Thursday) was an entirely fucked-up exercise in education: the last three periods were completely wiped out by a sports event. This upcoming disaster was communicated to the staff on Monday, which is typical of the "what the hell" attitude of those in charge. When we complain about absences, we're told to call home for each. Like I have time for this crap. The situation was worsened by the fact that we've been experiencing summer temperatures outside, and the school heaters are still going full blast. My room is like a sauna - no wonder I leave every day with a pounding headache. My escalating crankiness has meant a whole lot of detentions for my little rosebuds. Not that they don't need it...

Last night we had our third pre-natal class, and we're finally starting to build bridges with the other couples. They seem to be a very smart, involved bunch, and I'm glad to be making friends with other pregnant women. It's kind of hard to be the only one in my social circle who's been through this (other than Morgan, who gave birth a decade ago.)

Well, the pounding headache has started, so it's time to go.

Booty Call: Day 217 - Length: 29 cm crown to rump (40 cm head to toe). Weight: about 1900 gms or 4 lbs. 5 oz.