october 6, 2003.

I'm feeling so crummy. One of the best side effects of this pregnancy has been that my improved nutrition and rest have greatly strengthened my immune system. I've been sick only once this year, and I was "lucky" enough to go rotten on Friday afternoon; by Monday morning I'd lost an entire weekend, but I was well.

Today I have the tension-wire hum in my head that presages a good thorough head cold. My throat is contracting irritably no matter how much water I drink, and there's a thick gauze filter behind my eyes.

Tomrrow is a half-day (half teaching, half meeting). Maybe I'll skip the meeting & go home sick...except that I don't have a home to speak of, just a room in a Victorian asylum where the inmate raves & bangs to her soul's content.

(My new plan is to start up the vacuum cleaner every time she goes off her trolley. Even if it's 2 a.m., I know I'm not waking her! Besides, the housekeeping in Mt. Olympus is atrocious thanks to all of the time I have to spend elsewhere. The Boy does what he can, but it's too much for one person. The filth predominates.)

5 years ago today: a giddy rush of various pleasures with bare inches in which to pant & perspire.