I don't care if you don't want me cause I'm yours yours yours anyhow

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

may 7, 2003.

Oh man. Safety pins are, like, my new best friend. Not that I'm pregnant-big...I'm just plain old happy-pill-big. Even so, none of my cute business-like skirts zip up anymore. And when they do, I spend my day in absolute agony. I've discovered that you can secure a zipper with a safety pin, and thus give yourself 3 or 4 more inches of breathing room.

It doesn't help that people just assume that I'm big because I'm with child...really, I won't pop out for three months or so. I just wish the pen and ink drawings of pregnant women included women of my size, not just women who were fashionably slender when they got knocked up.

I spent the night at my parents', as Theresa needed a ride in the morning and it's just easier to pick her up from my parents'. I had to face many unpleasant facts last night, not least of which is the unpleasant fact that the Boy & I will run out of money when the Sprout makes his/her debut. My mom is feeling a bit strapped for cash lately, what with supporting three cars, three adult children, and a mate that buys DVD's on impulse. The problem as I see it is that my father has encouraged me to spend without worrying instead of going to a bank...but my mom has been keeping track of every dollar. My plane fare to Holland is in there, not to mention the car insurance payment and last month's loan. It's a lot. And while it's better than being in debt to a bank or to the mob, it's not great.

My dad is thrilled with the idea of us living in the basement. I can tell this is his dream come true. I'm trying not to resent inevitability, and telling myself a lot of homilies about traditional multi-generational families. Still, my North American independence keeps rising up to bite me on the ass. I don't wanna live with my parents!

Anyway, in a bid to keep my spirits up, I present 8 Reasons This Isn't So Bad:

  1. I won't have to buy my own potato chips
  2. cable! satellite! Buffy!!
  3. living with the Boy and the Sprout will take a lot of the sting out of living at home.
  4. when I go back to work the following September, I'll have free, in-house babysitting.
  5. we won't need to keep a car. Or at least, we won't need to feed it gas twice weekly.
  6. arguing with Nic! (I'm going to teach the Sprout to call him "Uncle Crackpot")
  7. shorter commute to Hogsboro.
  8. lots of sweatpants available at a moment's notice.

Still wondering if I'll even have a job next year. C. Thomas Flood has taken to reminding me that the administration can move anybody with an English qualification into the department, if that person has more seniority than me & needs classes. Those are some comforting words from a guy 5 weeks from retirement, who hasn't had to change schools for a quarter century.

I don't know. I guess I can't expect better from a school that's done this much to my peace of mind in the course of a very busy semester.

Bed. Pregnancy fatigue...over...powering...wake early...to write...exam...zzzz.

Booty Call: Day 61 - Urethral fold extends into phallus, and genitalia now show male characteristics if a boy.

5 years ago today: false Tisember