may 14, 2000.

Tired. Very tired & achey. I woke up with a headache this morning, and not a post-fun headache. As the day wore on, it would play tricks on me, retreating when I went up for an aspirin, then loudly demanding attention when I was in the middle of a 4-lane merge at 120km/h. Blehhhh. Again, my body exists to taunt me.

Not a terrible day, despite this. We were beered & dined by the Boy's mother tonight, a birthday dinner & Mother's Day all in one. Have I ever mentioned that I don't believe in Mother's Day? I don't. My mother has said many times that it's just an excuse to treat mothers like crap 364 days of the year, and I just dislike false sentiment. But there is one thing Mother's Day is good for: big companionable dinners. I've been feeling ambivalent and anxious about food lately, so it's fun to go out for the express purpose of eating well of other people's cooking.

Another good (?) thing about the night is that we got Scout's story confirmed. We've now officially lost our 14-year-old girl piper, and have to start looking for a replacement. What a drag. At least the Boy's mother has offered to do most of the co-ordinating - if there's one thing I don't need these days, it's phoning a bunch of bagpipers. Then again, it might be fun. "Do you know any Smiths?" and so on.


I'm reasonably proud of myself for making it to church this morning, despite feeling puffy, sore & terribly sorry for myself. I can't say that my headache went away, but the show made me forget it for large chucks of time. Plus, there was a baptism. I love baptisms, mostly because the words, "I have called you by name and you are mine" make me all shivery. The extra added bonus was that a visiting minister got to baptize his own granddaughter, and he had the exact same name as Little Spider. Coincidences R Us.


On the way to dinner, the Boy & I had what will officially stand as the Geekiest Conversation in Existence: which Doctor Who he preferred and why. My life has been completely Tardis-free, so my participation was limited to groaning and pleas for a subject change. Uhh. He waited until the ring was on my finger to tell me his preference for Peter Davidson and now I'm trapped. *giggle*

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