I don't care if you don't want me cause I'm yours yours yours anyhow

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

Summer Reading:

Love in the Time of Cholera,
Gabriel Garcia Marquez

(Haven't picked this up in 2 weeks. It sits, mocking me, on the coffee table.)

Why Girls Are Weird,
Pamela Ribon

(I'm not sure what I think of this book yet. Some of the old journal entries make me howl. Otherwise...eh.)

William Shakespeare

(Re-reading. This has to be the weirdest bathroom book ever. It's taken me 3 days to read the first scene.)

june 30, 2003.

Quickly, before I keel over from exhaustion:

Got my brakes fixed today. We thought it was a design flaw, but apparently the pads were worn out. Good to catch now, rather than on a hill in New Brunswick.

Had a meeting with my parents about living there next year that made me bitterly regret getting pregnant for the first time in weeks. I have very low expectations of this situation; at least I'll still get to live with the Boy. But I want to live with just him, damn it!

The house is still filthy. So much to do before we leave on Wednesday.

We made a surprisingly good tuna pasta salad today. I've never wanted to before, but the urge came suddenly and I paid attention to it. Good old Betty Crocker cookbook - never steers me wrong.

One of my mother's uncles died yesterday, so my mother cancelled the birthday party for her mother. Now my grandmother is all in a huff and has decided to host the party herself. My uncle doesn't care about death; he just wants to swim in my parents' pool. So it goes.

I got Pamie's book in the mail today. The Boy keeps asking me if it's Taylor on the cover, and forgetting that I don't know the answer to that question.

A very loud yappy dog moved into the basement. This afternoon it barked for about 2 hours, which was very annoying until we decided that it was the dog's welcome song. After that, we tried to figure out what s/he was singing to the ENTIRE NEIGHBOURHOOD. I'd like to see Crazy Neighbour's reaction to this crap when she keeps harping about bad air. Currently the new neighbour is berating our nice neighbours and drunkenly staggering about the street, trying to hail a bus.

"10:04 - I was playing Shout Out the Time." - the Tick

Tomorrow we pack up Cuddles for a 10-day stay with my parents, a.k.a. the World's Most Reluctant Cavy-sitters. At least she's a low maintenance pet.

I am a week behind in my writing.

I ache.

Booty Call: Day 115 - Baby's lower limbs are lengthening and bones are becoming ossified. Body growth is now catching up to his or her head.