I don't care if you don't want me cause I'm yours yours yours anyhow

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

june 19, 2003.

Just had one of those livid moments when no response seems appropriate. I was walking during the hall during exams, listening to the carrying, uninflected voice of a former student discussing her personal business in the loudest possible register. When I shushed her, she muttered something to her companions, who giggled.

"I'm sorry, I missed that [Idiot Girl]," I responded lightly.

She muttered something else under her breath and I kept walking. I felt that hot, impotent feeling one gets when one walks away from a fight. Realistically, though, my options were limited. And she has failed my course in the past - I'm sure that in her pea-brain there was some legitimate protest there.

Still, it makes me wish that I could fail her again. So far I have 19 teenaged silhouettes on my hull - I'd love to get an even 20.

A FABULOUS package arrived yesterday whilst I was marking exams in my pjs. At first I was excited/terrified that the box contained Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix (a.k.a. The Complete Lack of Work I Will Accomplish From This Moment Forward). As I still had over 20 exams to mark at that point, I was more than relieved to discover that it was a care package from my Wish List. I am now the proud owner of 2 Miffy books, the Goodnight Moon tape with Susan Sarandon & the entire third season of BtVS on DVD. Eeee!

And it's all thanks to the man who tore me a new plot hole not so long ago: Paris de Carnage!

boy + paris

I'm suddenly glad I got sad and not retallatory last weekend. Much gratitude & love to you, Poet, for honesty as well as swag.

Booty Call: Day 104 - Early toenail development.