I don't care if you don't want me cause I'm yours yours yours anyhow

who am i?
who are they
old stuff

june 14, 2003.

My journal is 6 years old today! Hooray!

Ugh. My body is really stiff & sore today. Yesterday I hauled a semester's worth of books back to the storage room for the summer (that's, um... about 150 hardback books and about 165 paperback books). I'm really feeling it today: my whole body is sore & stiff as hell. Added to my new pregnancy waddle, I'm comparing unfavourably to a turtle this weekend. Oh well. As I said again and again last night when asked how I was: "slow but persistant."

Last night we went to Q's birthday party. Fuelled by our insanely early schedules, we were some of the first guests to arrive, and got the treat of seeing Q's roommate and his girl Maggie whip up a variety of tempting snacks. I never fail to be impressed by a girl who can roll her own sushi (even though I couldn't eat any. Pregnancy - bah!)

I ran into trouble early on, when Rich (a.k.a Isa's ex-husband) and a friend decided to light a joint in the room in which I was relaxing. Already feeling a bit left out of the beer and cigarettes and sushi fun, I hightailed it to the kitchen. "Is there going to be a room where no-one will smoke?" I said unhappily to Maggie. God bless her, she immediately shot off to the living room like an avenging angel, asking the boys to go up to the smoking room. When one made clueless comments about my prudery, the Boy icily informed him that I was pregnant. From then on I became known as The Killjoy. Killjoy...she sucks the fun out of any party room! I suppose it's yet another superhero identity; one that fits in well with my role as a highschool discipline machine.

Why didn't I go ask them myself? Well, a lot of reasons. For one, I really feel that those boys have more right to be in Q's living room than I do. For another, I am the definition of the social drinker/smoker: I find it really difficult to be somewhere social and not be, well, social. To tell someone to go upstairs is so far out of my comfort zone that I can't even see it from here. Finally, I feel kind of stupid when my pregnancy makes me different from others. It's not like I made a conscious choice to be with child, and in some very small ways I resent the intrusion on my carefully-constructed groove.

Anyway, within a half-hour, everyone I knew was upstairs in the party room and we decided to go home & sleep. By then, my early hours had combined with general aching to produce a very unhappy girl. Sleeping, as always, was heavenly (even though I now have to prop myself between pillows so that I don't squish the baby or conversely, squish an important artery. I'm a Hummel figurine now, I guess.)

Today was far too beautiful to be spent indoors with a pile of human essays to high to see over. I wish I could say that I did something more rebellious than procrastinate heinously, but then I'd be lying. I can't wait until this crap is behind me - Thursday is the last day I'll have to do any real work, and Wednesday is the last day I'll be marking for a cool 2 1/2 months. You can't imagine how thrilled I am at this prospect. Finally I'll get the chance to buy sandals, a decent maternity bra and some shorts that fit! Finally I'll get to walk down the sunny streets of Toronto, protected only by my utter lack of monetary resources! I can't wait for summer!!

Booty Call: Day 99 - Are dental problems normal during pregnancy? It's a very important time to take good care of your teeth and gums.

6 years ago today: first journal entry (kind of sucks)
5 years ago today: first date with the Boy
2 years ago today: now-ironic musings about pregnancy and birth