july 13, 2002.

Our gyspy caravan is growing by leaps and bounds. A few days ago I mentioned that Miri may be coming with us in August to visit Asana...well, it now appears that Stacy's friend Valgarth is moving back to Toronto this summer and he's looking for a way to move his small amount of stuff. As a small amount of stuff is the most we can handle, this will work out very well. And once again, it's the person that makes the difference. Valgarth himself will be the most valuable part of the move, as now the Boy and myself with both have a companion during the long long drive. Yay!

We saw Martia at a pub on Thursday night. She had a few Ang Lee movies to return to us, and we all needed to decompress a little about StanFest (talking to the uninitiated is one thing, but it's especially nice to reminisce about performances and moments without detouring for 5 minutes of back story before the anecdote makes sense.) I really like her, and I like that the Boy can talk to her about work because I find it difficult to really get a lot of stories he tells about the place. It's not that I don't care, it's just that I need so many explanations of procedures that I quickly become bored.

It was so much like a night in Toronto that I could hardly believe it: dark wood, cold beer and interesting conversation. The only thing that was different was the utter lack of people in the pub and on the streets. But you know what, I think that detail actually improved the total experience.

Tomorrow we leave Wolfvegas with our cat in our hand, on our way to some serious house-hunting in Western Gommorah. I'll see you guys in a few weeks.

3 years ago today:"well, they had this godawful talent show where people would recite Monty Python skits verbatim and suck out all the humour."