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July 13, 1999.

I am a grumpy kitty this morning. The 8 hours of sleep was nice, but I think I'm going for a nap after lunch. A nice long nap.

Fatigue is really getting to me. Last night I just about started crying in the counselor meeting, because we were being taught to dance & no one would listen & the thing took 4 times longer than it should've and I just wanted to go to sleep. I was released from my yearbook bonds last night...I guess there are some benefits to being a junior counselor that no one takes seriously. And yet I seem to be the only counselor who isn't wearing themselves out on activities. I still have the energy to keep my cabin happy & running smoothly...la la la la la.

Let's see, is there anything else? Oh yes, Mercer. Last week I commented that she didn't like me. Now I think that was just weariness. As soon as my girls got back on Sunday night, they were all cheery & chattery beyond belief, and Mercer has continued to be so. Maybe it's because the lamer activity nights have already passed, and we're only doing big nights from now on. There's something soothing about knowing that you won't have to play hucklebuckle in the foreseeable future.



"Katczinsky is right when he says it would not be such a bad war if only we could get a little more sleep."

- all quiet on the western front

Went home after lunch and slept. I just woke up from a 2-hour nap feeling better than fantastic. In fact, I don't think a nap has ever made me feel this good. I actually want to take part in camp shit again. My girls are beginning to drag their faces around too, so we've all agreed to go to bed as soon as we get back from the Talent Show. Like I said, my house is very solid - I've put the effort into us, and we're a little camp family now.

My nemesis has started to be nice to me. Far from being disconcerted, it pleases me. I'm ignored by far too many counselors now to scorn pleasant conversation.


10:15 p.m.

saturday afternoon:

me: did they have yearbook when you went to this camp?
the Boy: nope.
me: how about singing and jokes during meals?
tB: nope.
me: so, what did they have?
tB: well, they had this godawful talent show where people would recite Monty Python skits verbatim and suck out all the humour.
me: that's Tuesday.
tB: oh.
me: yeah.

It's gotten a lot better. Some of the skits missed the mark, as did some of the between-acts patter (all Austin Powers, and some of it was as stiff as an Oscar nomination speech). Other acts were hilarious. We had an accordion player and a couple of lip-synchs and a few dances. My girls & I did anti magic tricks for a minute and a half. Instead of trying to dazzle the audience, we basically took the piss out of magic tricks by doing everything the obvious way. Mortu stuffed his kids full of marshmallows for 5 minutes. Another cabin did the World's Ugliest Man routine. The World's Ugliest Man! I remember that from Bruno & Boots, for pete's. And one house did a dance to "Barbie Girl," and I thought wistfully of dancing frenetically with Dirk and Stacy and Gomer and the Boy as Paul cleared the Garden of the latenight pretentio-goths at 2:30 a.m. Made me clubsick, it did.

The muscles & tan counselor did a lip-synch rap with his kids & I spent the time wondering how long it would take before his ultra low slung pants would fall down. Yup, these things occupy my time these days. What with his underwear and a glimpse of Rex changing shirts backstage, it was the most male flesh I've been exposed to since June. La di dah.

My house has been running super-smooth this week, even better than last week. We're a fully functioning unit in every way, without the xenophobia of some other houses. I'm often amazed at how easy this part of the job is. But Mercer seems to be coming down with a cold. It makes her tired & quiet, but no less considerate. It'll be a shame if she has to miss the last big nights.

I've been sniffling too, so I guess I can look forward to this cold making the rounds. Drat. There goes my perfect record for this year. Living with Galadrial wasn't peaches and cream, but at least I didn't have to deal with the germs of 80 res-mates.

I should go...there's another party to boost counselor morale tonight, thus Christmas is coming in July.

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