world's worst student teacher: the first year

december 6, 2002.

"I'm getting my tablet and capsule experience." - MH

I called the mysteriously reappearing girl from high school last night. Apparently she's a pharmaceutical validator (i.e. somebody who verifies prescription recipes for drug companies), and the above quote came out of our conversation. I enjoy it more out of context than in.

She asked me about the weirdest question I've been asked by one of my kids. Well, as of today, my answer's changed. It used to be, "Miss, have you ever been handcuffed?" (To which I innocently replied, "By the police?" Protesting groans rose to the heavens...) As of today, it's, "Miss Rocketbride, are you a dominatrix?" I said yes, which the class probably took as a joke. At least I hope they did - the last thing I need is to come back to a raft of angry parent phone calls.

Much like a rock star, I didn't set out to be a role model - but some of us have it thrust upon us. Sigh.

come on!

Started thinking about piercing random body parts today. I'm becoming profoundly restless and prone to making snap reckless decisions, which I count as a positive sign. Whenever I itch for a change, it's a sign that I'm ready to deal with life and fight events tooth & nail. And that's a hell of a lot better than sitting on the sidelines & letting the drugs call the plays.

Took a step in the right direction tonight - I actually called people & made plans instead of flowing along with whatever went by. True, most of my night was spent in driving over to the Danforth and getting food for Dirk, Tym:J & myself - but I'm happy that I got out of the rut at all.

"I need to get out of this rut and into a groove..."

- homer(palooza)
