august 18, 2003.

All is in readiness for Anniversary 2003 (The Year of Leather & Sprout). I did the last of my errands this morning, in the process whittling our old joint bank account down to $4 and change. Good thing we have a new account - in a brand-new set of names! Okay, maybe not.

At Stacy's invitation, we went to a pool party last night at Loftwyr & Gilamonstre's house. You may remember Loftwyr as the guy who let me into the Garden without ID when I was dressed like a bunny, and who later pawed me shamelessly (it was that kind of night). I believe that when Dirk pointed out that I was married, his response was, 'so?' To which Dirk said, 'just because there's a goalie, doesn't mean you can't take a shot on net.' I have no cute story about Gilamonstre, except that she is cute.

We arrived something like 5 hours after the start of the affair, so there was quite a bit of nudity & semi-nudity to adjust to right off the bat. I had packed a bathing suit, but realized immediately that I do not have whatever guts it takes to wear a too-small one-piece in a wading pool with nude, non-pregnant girls. I happen to really like my pregnant body, but this was just a little too much. Besides, I only knew about 5 people in total when I walked in. This sort of thing makes me very quiet to begin with.

The Boy immediately ran into Fu Manchu (a fellow student) & his friend the Mother Elf, and we were soon embroiled in a conversation about academia, voodoo, childbirth, shoe fetishes, and other assorted hot topics. I began to feel more and more comfortable, especially since so many people were considerate of my need to be away from smoke and genuinely interested in the burgeoning Belly. I don't think that I get enough random Belly rubbing in a day. I don't know how to fix this, except to be at Loftwyr & Gila's house more often. Upshots of the evening are that I ate a big veggie burger with potato salad on top and learned that my baby is a giving off boy vibes. And me without a good male name...

Booty Call: Day 164 - Baby's bowel contains some meconium, a dark green tar-like substance excreted during the first few days after birth.