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October 9, 1999.

Just back from an evening with the Boy's family. I had a good time. I'm just getting used to the fact that I can like both my boyfriend and his family. Although Scout's putting pressure on me to marry her brother & Q's trying to suck me into the gaming world. I'm flattered, tell truth.


A survey from Mike, mostly to fill space:

1. Would you take the fall for a crime committed by a sibling or parent?

Nope. If they would die in jail (like poor Oscar Wilde), maybe. But otherwise no. I wouldn't expect it of them if I had committed a crime, either.

2. What's your favorite picnic food?

Turkey sandwiches on crusty kaisers.

3. What television show did you like that got canceled way too soon?

The Critic. I really think it could be a huge success in today's cartoon friendly primetime.

4. Ever get caught picking your nose?

Yup. More than once.

5. By which school picture are you most embarrassed?

Let's see...so many to choose from...it would have to be Grade 10. I'd just gotten contacts & begun to come out of my self-image shell a bit...and I was chewing gum during the photo. My mouth is grinning & open. My head is thrown back. It's horrible.

6. What was your first computer?

Commodore 64, just after they stopped using tape decks. Most of my incomplete children's novel was written on it.

7. What are you completely and irrationally stubborn about?

Not being embraced while going to sleep. I've made loved ones sleep on the floor. I've stayed up all night so as not to offend the person embracing me by saying "buzz off, I'm tired."

8. You're offered the political appointment of your choosing. What job do you take?

Archbishop of Canterbury. Oh yeah, baby.

9. How would you like to die?

Like all good semi-goth-girls, I'd like to be food for the immortals.

10. You get to plan your own funeral. Who speaks? Who sings? How do you get sent off?

Dirk makes the eulogy. Agamemnon does the service. Spike plays the bagpipes. They sing "Jerusalem" & "God Save the Queen." Somehow the Boy finds a way to make everyone sit quietly and listen to the "Laughingstock" CD from start to finish.

11. You and a date finish an expensive dinner at a fancy restaurant and discover the waiter has charged you for only one lobster. Do you a) point out the mistake. b) keep quiet and leave a huge tip. c) quickly pay the tab and leave.

d) probably wouldn't notice. Last week I left a $15 tip on a $25 haircut (forgot to pick up my change).

12. To whom are you most likely to lend money? a relative, a friend, a business partner, or the author of this survey.

I don't lend money to friends or relatives. I give it to them, or I don't bother. Relationships with loved ones aren't worth the strain of lending money.

13. Ever changed your website just so you could join a ring?

No, but I've avoided doing certain things to stay in one (little bastard).

14. Ever written on a special topic, just so you could qualify for a web award?

I've never gotten a web award. Thanks for bringing that up.

15. Ever submitted your own site for a web award?

I don't think so. Most of the awards I want aren't the submitting kind.

16. Ever offered a web award of your own conception?

Yup. The Mommy Disapproves Award, born during a period when my mother insisted I take down "offensive" material from my web page.

17. What's your favorite flavor of toaster pastry?

Yuck. Next question.

18. Ever paid one credit card with another one?

I don't even have one.

19. Ever been hoopsnaked by a home equity loan ad?

Snuh? Buh? Wuh?

20. To what magazines do you currently subscribe?


21. What's your guilty pleasure?

Hostess Sunflower Seeds. No other brand is as salty & good.

22. What do you do that you do not enjoy simply for appearance sake?

Eat vegetables/exercise. I'd rather read a book.

23. Have you ever taken out a singles ad?

No. But if I did, it would read: "touchy brunette with extremely short pixie hair seeks beautiful goth/punk boy for amusing conversation. Buddy Holly glasses a plus, as are PVC pants and shirts so tight that nipple piercings are clearly visible. No makeup obsessed fetishists, please."

24. Have you ever lied in a singles ad?

No, I really don't like guys who are more interested in make up than I am. *grin*

25. When was the last time you bounced a check?


26. Have you ever camped out for concert tickets? If so, for which concert?

No, but I've made obsessive online attempts lasting hours for Bauhaus tickets.

27. What's the most embarrassing name ever given to you by a significant other?

It's too embarrassing.

28. Ever played truth or dare in an effort to get into someone's pants?

Nope. Although I was in a drinking game where the other players were cheating to make me drink, and I never noticed.

29. Did you have sex in high school?

Yes. Or do you mean, actually in the highschool? Then, no.

30. What's your favorite drinking game?

The "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" Drinking Game, where you pick a character & drink along with them. Makes the movie a hell of a lot easier to watch.

31. What bad habit do you have that no one is supposed to know about?

Why would I tell you that?

32. Are you completely honest in situations where your name isn't used?

I'm pretty honest generally.

33. Ever urinated in public?

If the forest during camping trips is left out, no.

34. Which celebrity would you most like to see drop off the face of the Earth?

Celine. I feel bad because she's a Canadian girl, but I do not want to hear on more note from that whitebread non-diva.

35. Which celebrity would you most like to bring back from the dead?

Kurdt. I miss the music he could've made.

36. If you found out who really killed JFK, who would you tell first?

A chat room, of course. They're the wave of the future!

37. What's your favorite comic strip?

Bizarro, by Dan Piarro.

38. What was the last thing you purchased at Wal-hyphen-Mart? When was that?

I do not shop at Wal-hyphen-Mart, as their callous disregard for community eye-sore laws has made them persona non grata in my eyes.

39. If you were afforded the opportunity to sleep with one of your friends, who would it be?

Literally sleep? Lawyer, I suppose...I've slept next to him before & he doesn't move around a lot. If we're talking about sex, I'd rather not say, as the revelation would cause maximum freakouts.

40. To what superstition do you most adhere?

Not drawing attention to something that's mysteriously going well.

41. Elevators or escalators?

Big deal. This is a question?

42. How many justices of the U.S. Supreme Court can you name? No cheating (there are nine).

I don't care about the U.S. Supreme Court...and I don't have to.

43. What is the name of your congressman? (or similar government representative for those living outside the US and not in some fascist country that doesn't have a representational government).

I moved since the last election, so I'm not sure. But I know that their party affiliation is Progressive Conservative.

44. What are you a big old geek about?

Doing things on computers that can be done faster manually...like working out a design that take me hours to learn when I could just physically cut & paste.

45. Who makes you laugh?

The Kids In the Hall.

46. Have you ever been in a band? If so, what was it called?

Yes, I was the drummer in a 1994-era band called Savage Garden (not to be confused with that crappy pop outfit of the same name). We never got past 2 song in the basement, though. Oh, and I'm also the current drummer for "James & the Little Spiders."

47. Herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore?

Omnivore. I can't give up meat, although I sympathize with vegetarians.

48. When playing tic tac toe, which square do you always fill in first? Do you prefer "X" or "O"?

Upper right corner, "X". One of those things I don't even think about.

49. Does the time 4:20 have any significance for you?

Lincoln shot? Help me out here.

50. What was the biggest prize you ever won?

I won 5th prize at the local Poet Inebriate Contest. The trophy was an earthenware stein, filled with foot massage creme & other weird stuff. But it was winning in the first place that really threw me for a loop.

And now you know more about me than you ever wanted to. Goodnight!

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