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October 5, 1999.

I almost felt like a free woman today. What with all the work cut-backs, I had today off - so I delivered myself to Babylon last night & wandered around until I was made to go home. It took an extraordinary effort of will to get on the westbound subway this evening. I had the strongest urge to find someone's couch & claim sanctuary. But I still have to work tomorrow, more's the pity.

Last night was exceptionally cool, which adds to my regret at leaving the city. Finally managed to hook up with Saint Stephen & Dirk for beer & dancing. I nearly felt like my slack ass student self again.

Stephen was quite impressed with the dancing, as am I...I've seen individual better dancers, but never such a collection of hardcore groovin'. And I can't imagine what the other Monday night regulars do for a living - they're there week after week, dancing frenetically into the small hours of the morning. They can't all be students or record shop clerks...although some have bright pink hair, so I suppose they're not all captains of industry.


More social studies fun in grade six on Monday. We've turned our attention from the Inuit to the Haida...and imagine my surprise when I realized that I've been to the area they're talking about! I knew there was a reason I hung on to the doubles of my Queen Charlotte Island snaps. I'm working them into a bristol board presentation, along with explanatory captions, and I'm totally stoked about it. In fact, this is the most fun I've had with a project since I wrote up Morgan's wedding for my Anthro 100 essay. I'm also planning to get something together about Emily Carr; I happen to dislike her paintings, but they're very accessible & topical in a unit on the Pacific Coast Indians.

My grade six morning wasn't as much fun as the social studies afternoon (even though we had gym after lunch again). I was tired & cranky & hungry; not in the best of moods to help an 11 year old understand the concept of supported opinion. And math period - what a nightmare. They were set loose in the library to find tables of comparative data for a graphing project. I cannot begin to describe the screwing around, the giggling, and the purposeful distraction of other kids. At least I'm allowed to be stern here. Unlike camp, where everything was supposed to be fun & non-authoritarian, the teachers don't take crap from the kids. Period. And I like that better. I can't be everyone's friend anyway.

"You know, Amoret, you can't like everyone, and everyone can't like you."
- agamemnon (man of god)


I got my hair cut today. Now I really need to take care of the blonde remnants - my whole head has taken on that sickly dirty blonde of advanced roots. My dad reacted in a way that has become typical: "wasn't it short enough??" I suppose I have a subconscious desire to be hit on by women at least once before I die. No, I'm kidding. I just hate putting a part in it every goddamn morning. I don't know if I'll ever have the patience to go back to long hair...although it might be a good idea to have something to work with for Fireball.

Speaking of UC things, I saw Wilson this afternoon. I've always loved talking to her, but I realized today how precious university friendship becomes after you graduate. People get jobs or continue their education somewhere else, and the few that you see once in a while get a nostalgic haze around them because they represent some sort of golden time, made more golden by the fact that it's over.

I hope she calls.

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