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October 3, 1999.

Late update...days late. This weekend my dad installed Adobe Acrobat & a CD writer on my computer, as my PC has become the family computer. I'm not terribly comfortable with this, as all these files are supposed to be top secret. But there's only so squirrelly & demanding that I can be these days. Anyway, Adobe has been extremely useful with that all-important teacher's college app, so I've been playing with that during the rare times a) I'm not sleeping b) I'm not at my weekend job or c) someone isn't trying to burn a mixed CD.

It doesn't really matter, though. Not much has been going on. Although I did enjoy this week's infographic in the Onion.


I actually made it to church this morning, which was pleasing for all involved. I had a good time, too, which isn't the norm. Good music. Good communion. Good small talk after, with people who seem genuinely interested in me. Weird.

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