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March 4, 1999.

Last night I went to the Victory after class, although I was really too tired to be entertaining to any one. But I was richly rewarded - not only did I get my mittens back (there were rumors that they'd been mistakenly given to Alexi last Wednesday night when I left then behind...how painfully ironic is that!?), and even better, Dot was there.

Dot is a friend of mine from first year res. We're both kind of shy around each other, and thus only really get comfortably chatting when we have friends and alcohol to buffer us. Last night she was in fine form, telling hilarious stories of her work at a copyright office - basically, telling hippies they can't cover "Purple Haze," or telling whackadoos from Thunder Bay that changing a few words in "The Barbie Song" to make her a "country girl" isn't enough of a difference to record as an original song. My favourite story concerned the Guns n' Roses cover band from Vancouver who wanted to release a cover album of "Appetite for Destruction" in its' entirety. She's getting to hate certain area codes, due to their high concentration of lunatics. All very funny.

I also found out that she had a crush on the Boy in first year. This comes on the heels of a similar declaration from Tymothi:J last fall. I find it slightly frightening that this is becoming a defining characteristic of my peer group.

To complete the night, we actually had a Canadian Celebrity Sighting (tm) - that chick who starred in Bruce MacDonald's second film, Highway 61. She's just as pretty close up, too...her beauty lies in her bone structure, and the camera can neither augment that nor diminish it. She drank Corona.

While I'm on the subject, the Boy, the Roommate and I had another CCS (tm) sighting last Saturday...we saw the lead singer of Rusty ordering the same breakfast as ourselves at KOS. Breakfast choices will be divulged by private email only.


I often think that if I'd only lived in the Stone Age, I could've been the chick who created the cave paintings. My drawing-from-life skills are at that level now...back then, I'd be on the cutting edge, loved by the fringe and reviled in the editorials of rightwing Stone Age newsdailies. Sweeeet.

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