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March 3, 1999.

This afternoon I wrote a 2500 word essay in just over three hours. That's a personal best for me. And as a consequence, I don't want to think critically about Greek Drama for as long as we both shall live.

One thing I am happy about, tho': through the vagrancies of scheduling, I have a very useful 7 hour gap between my Wednesday classes, a time slot that has been the scene of munch intense essay writing. For although I have Tuesday off, and although I always plan to work on my free day, it just never gets done. Last semester I had 4 once-a-week classes scheduled after this gap, and it saved my bacon a number of times. And I'm sure that come April, when my last essay is due, I'll be hunched over the keys on the Wednesday afternoon before the duedate, cursing my own ineptitude and chugging Diet Coke as if my life depended on it.

I paint such a pretty picture of my life, n'est-ce pas?


Everyone's sending links these days. Yesterday Paris brought a site to my attention that seems to specialize in corrupting children's programming. What you can do there:

  1. get tipsy with Dipsy (drinking contest)
  2. get toasty with Tinky Winky (toking up)
  3. huntin' with Lah-Lah (shoot er' up good)
  4. pimp-daddy Po gets wit a ho
  5. and also look for the special section where Bert and Ernie guest star in a menage a trois.

Needless to say (since I haven't provided a link), I don't approve of this. What is this tendency lately to provide a perverted sexual subtext in children's programming? If you haven't read a sexual fantasy version of your cherished childhood drama, rest assured that someone with too much time on their hands will be either concocting one or creating an email detailing all the sex that was there all along.

This Jesse Helms-Tinky Winky bullshit is just another facet of the same stupid tendency. Instead of focussing on the obvious drug imagery in Teletubbies (and believe me, it's there), he's injected a spurious sexual subtext in order to vilify it. As my mother said when people began to label Bert and Ernie homosexual, they have the personalities of children, for christ's sake. They're pre-sexual - Bert adores pigeons, and Ernie nothing at all. They're a puppet version of the Odd Couple, for pete's!!

It just steams me up. Why do we as a culture have this unfortunate tendency to take the most innocent programming around and pervert it? I'm not mad at Paris for making the link public, I'm mad at a culture that wants to wreck everything. Telling me that Santa Claus doesn't exist isn't enough...now I've got to endure video loops of him getting it on with Donner and Blitzen.

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