march 25, 2002.

New ear piercing - a no-nonsense ring halfway up the cartilage of my right ear. I'm very pleased with it, and it's just the right amount of sore to remind me of why it's there. Which is: I'm making a deal with Fate. By inflicting a small amount of pain upon myself, I'm symbolically accounting for all the pain in store during my field experience. I know, it's crazy and dumb...but emotions will have their day and this is what my emotions tell me to do.

The piercing experience itself was first-rate...we wandered in just as they were opening for the day, two goths in a town full of Joe Jockstraps and Sally Tanktops. The price was excellent, so I sat in the dentist chair and chatted about spiked dog collars & stripey stockings while she readied the needle. It hurt, a lot, and I enjoyed that on a perverse level. I thought about the women my mother had treated in the Dominican Republic, and how they gave birth without anaesthetic and without screaming. Sometimes the pain is the point.

After I was hooped and charged, we sat around in the waiting room so that I could ride the wave of endorphins and listen to the blood throb in my ear. We talked to the owners for awhile - it is our subculture, after all - and passed the time most pleasantly. The girl asked where we were from. When I said 'Toronto' her eyes started to sparkle. I readied myself for a question about clubs, shopping, concerts or landmarks.

"Do you know the Metro Toronto Zoo?"

"Yeah, and I am delighted that was your question!" I laughed.

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Another conversation with Scherezade on Saturday night. She laughed delightedly when I told her that I was using her job opportunity to get away from people I didn't want to talk to (like the Infallible Supervisor). "Can't talk now!" I would say, "One of my best friends is moving to the Hague in 2 weeks to proof-read transcripts! I have to buy her a present!" And then I dash off. It works like a charm every time...unless, like my Mom, they want to hear more details. But I'm never trying to get off the phone with my Mom, so that loophole works out fine.

Scherezade and I are slowly inching towards the creation of a website known only as the Big Skanky Blog. Details to follow.

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Practicum proceeds. More details later and elsewhere.

let's spell the timewarp again!

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3 years ago today: a literally astounding amount of pumpkins