june 14, 2000.

Well, today's my 2nd anniversary. Guess who completely forgot. That's right - both myself and the Boy. We've excused ourselves with the upcoming wedding, but the raw truth is that we're just morons. Hmph. Now that I think about it, he forgot last year, too. He tried to make a CD burning date with St. Jack twice in a day, with me in the room no less. Sigh. What a goof.


Today was pretty up & down in terms of energy & activity. My mother & I visited Ikea, ate simply terrible food and purchased nothing. However, my family is now the proud owner of 204 martini glasses. To what diabolical purpose will they be used? Tune in tomorrow, dear listener...

Tune in tomorrow.

Ahem. So most of my time today was spent on various highways, which isn't the most exciting experience in all creation. The problem is that there are only about 8 Ikeas in Canada, so we have to suck it up & travel far to look at pressboard furniture made possible by the miracle of the allen key. Whilst there, I wondered vaguely if the popularity of Fight Club has hurt the popularity of Ikea. It doesn't seem likely - the kind of men who feel threatened by it's vision of emasculation-by-furniture probably weren't shopping there anyway. Mostly we looked for cheap furniture that could be shipped flat. As there are no locations east of Montreal, any furniture we order will have to be delivered...and that renders the savings pretty nominal. I suppose I'll just have to wait for a real home with a real job before I have a stylishly functional desk, bureau & bookshelves. And in the meantime I can look forward to setting up the computer on the kitchen table, using laundry baskets as permanent clothing storage & raiding construction sites for bricks & boards.

I must be getting old, because none of that sounds appealing.

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