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January 7, 1999.

Og. My head hurts. That's what comes of showing up where you're supposed to, I guess. The TTC is still on the blink, so my travelling time is an amusing guessing game. I was 40 minutes late for my morning class...and I left the house on time! Sigh. The whole thing makes me feel very independent - instead of collecting like a little lamb at the bus stops and waiting to cram myself into long overdue buses, I tend to strike out towards the subway station. Nose running, feet numbing, songs from Oklahoma! running through my head...but at least I leave the house. After the slothful start to the week, that's a pretty big thing for me.


Spent some time chatting to Wilson about her tooth experiences. She just figured out that her dad's dental plan will stop covering her the moment she leaves full-time academia, so she's seizing the day to correct her overbite. Truth be told, she looks a little freaky right now...she's already had two bicuspids pulled and all of the little stays put on the front of the teeth...but no wires as yet. This weekend she goes to Waterloo to see her long-time sweetie. Boy would I love to be a fly on the wall during that particular meeting...he reminds me very muchly of Alexi (my own highschool sweetie), and I often wonder if he also shares Alexi's conspicuous lack of tact.

Example: Alexi once told me that my breasts were perfect...it was the rest of my body that was out of wack. Ahem.

And on that note...

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