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January 6, 1999.

"Les asked me, 'how many miles of bad is Ophelia and her gang?' I said, 'how long is the Trans-Canada highway?'"

- paris de carnage

That's Paris; a blues song waiting to happen.

When we last spoke, I was mid-way through a long exhausting afternoon of sloth. As soon as I got home from tea, though, things started to pick up. Namely, Paris called to ask me out drinking with himself, Agamemnon & Dirk. And of course, I couldn't pass up a night of second-year style drinking & demented conversation. It was really cool, too. We spent much of the night discussing Agamemnon's upcoming ordination, when he'll really & truly become a priest...and the week of debauchery Paris has planned in anticipation. It is to be...


The Week of the Seven Deadly Sins. Except we could only think of six last night...prolly the seventh will occur to them at some point. In the works are strippers, cigars, the track, brothels and quite possibly a tattoo parlour. When I inquired how they were to cover "envy," Paris replied that if nothing else, Agamemnon was envious of the piety of Jesus Christ. I don't think that counts, but I'm not even invited so what do I know.

We also discussed our plans to thwart the Y2K problem. It's only just occurred to me that going up north may be hardy & strong, but it's a fucking hard way to scratch out an existence. Paris' talk of his Latin American homeland put the tropics into my mind - I mean, how much easier will it be to survive in Costa Rica than the Northwest Territories, for pete's? So that's the new plan...sparkling white beaches, frequent carjackings, and insects the size of my head. Rah.

All this hilarity had a very real effect on my intoxication level as well, meaning that I was nicely toasted after a pint and the room was spinning halfway through the third. Excluding the time I blacked out, last night was the drunkest I've ever been...and man, was I ever nauseous. Felt too drunk to see myself home...tried to induce vomiting with zero results...the room would not stop spinning, even when I was sitting down...so I mumbled my excuses & let Dirk hail me a cab. Dis-graceful. I've never finished drinking so ignobly, especially when with the very boys who taught me how to drink like a fish. Oh, the shame.


What else? Finally went to a class this evening - and I had the reading done and everything. That's a huge achievement this week. Afterwards I tagged along to the weekly burger night with Dirk, as it's the only red meat I get these days. Listened to some very interesting things about South Africa...for one thing, they built their international airport to Canadian standards, right down to the snowplow & snowplow crew. Weird, huh?

But all that charred animal flesh & delicious sides has made me awfully sleepy...so if you'll excuse me, I'm off to my cozy cozy bed. Sigh...

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