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January 8, 1999.

Before you go any farther, go read about the cocktail party. Stacy has much better talent for summary than I do, and she's much funnier.


Wow! I just thought of the best title...see, Dirk picked up a vampire anthology for my 21st birthday, only seeing that Poppy Z. Brite was one of the contributors, and not that it was a themed vamp anthology. Specifically, a gay vampire anthology...and since Dirk is plagued with rumors that he's a closeted homosexual, the coincidence was just too funny. Anyway, I've since found out that there's a whole series of gay themed horror anthologies...lesbian vamps, gay werewolves, that sort of thing. So my gay title is...

"Out For Blood!"

Well I thought it was funny.


Argh. So many people to see; so little time. Mom & I are going to see either Elizabeth or Shakespeare In Love this afternoon...she has no one to see period pieces with except me & my dad; however since my dad made fun of Colin Firth's head during The English Patient, she has forbidden him any more Firth movies...hence Elizabeth.

There's another U-Clit function tonight - Wilson has asked for some music before the band goes on, so I'm going to run some CDs up to her. She's promised on her mother's yet undug grave that it will be a better time than Fungtoberfest.

There's talk of a sledding outing to Christie Pits on Saturday afternoon, which I really really really want to go to...I haven't been sledding in ages & I miss it like crazy. Problem is; you can't do it alone, so you have to wait for the outing to solidify with others. I have high hopes for this one.

Saturday night I'm going back to Brampton to play a reluctant Cupid...which is really more than I should be saying in a public format. Walls, ears, that sort of thing.

And on Sunday night, I'm getting together for blood...er...dinner with Javina.

That's just the stuff I have planned, too. Stacy & I have been planning to get together for coffee for 7 months now. I was supposed to get together with Upright Animal before I left town...another promise fucked. And Aly, a residence friend, is on break from Pakistani medical school this week.

And you know what? I'm prolly going to spend tonight snuggled up with the Boy. Just because I can. What a wasteful girl I am, huh?

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