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Life lesson for today: it is a bad idea to flip off the guy behind you when you're both trying to turn into a parking lot. His anger - like his car - will follow your overly-safe left-turning ass.


Today was better than last Monday, mostly because I went to sleep early. I can't believe that this is what my life has been reduced to: tallying up good & bad Mondays like it matters. Bah.

But still, a better day. I'm feeling less at sea in this position. I may bounce about the office like a pinball in pantyhose, but at least people beyond the cubicle walls are starting to smile at me. And I can't really complain about a job that pays better than any other job in my (albeit short) life. But that doesn't mean that I'll stop being cranky anytime soon...just for the time being.

Yet the best employment news of today is not that I'm content at my day job, but that I seem to have put paid to my weekend job. No more automatic light switches! No more long walks through a dark office! And best of all, no more planning nightmares! Next Friday night I can go into the City - and stay there until Sunday if I please! Yay!

There will be some serious decadence this coming weekend, mark my words. Oh, baby.

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