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September 29, 1998.

I can't believe how little I've accomplished today. Not only have I not started my Pilgrim's Progress essay, but I haven't done any of my readings for tomorrow or any of the dishes. In fact, the only thing I can say I've thoroughly accomplished is 1) feeling like an idiot for buying 2 copies of Pilgrim's Progress without realizing it and 2) filling the appartment with smoke. This evening I had a Lucy-esque episode with bacon fat (never ever ever put water on boiling grease, kids), thus waking up Galadrial from her nap with a kitchen full of thick greasy smoke. We found out, however, that our smoke detector has a flat battery. Hmph. Some silver lining.

Oh, and the discovery of a used Pilgrim's Progress which I bought 2 weeks ago and then promptly forgot about only added extra joy to my day. I tried to sell the excess, brand new copy of PP this afternoon, but I found the offer of a buck and a half for a book I paid over 7 dollars for on Friday incredibly demeaning. You can't even buy milk for $1.50...which was my plan for the proceeds. But at tea, Aegis felt sorry for me & bought me milk at Fung (giver of life, mother of us all). That's me...Queen of the Mercy Milk.

So...anybody want to read Bunyan? I can hook you up...


one year ago today: shut up, liver

(it'll work, riyati, i promise)

