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September 14, 1998.

"And if I'm sleeping like a log,
Just wake me up & I'll be your dog."
- the oral sex song on the new big sugar album

First day of class. I think that any hangover I might've gotten from the 'shrooms was held in check by the 22 or so hours I spent in bed yesterday...but it lurked. Today I got the first day of school feeling plus the Monday feeling plus the weather change feeling plus the hangover feeling. I was not a together bunny. Saw Veronica before my first class & acted like an utter junkie.

V: "Hi, how was your summer?!

Me: "Nothing." (beat beat) "Oh, what did I just say?!" [appalled, but in a vague sort of way]

Nobody sat near me in my first class (Romanticism). I wanted to scream, "hey, this is as good as it gets! Next week I'll be here in a maroon velour shirt & pink pj bottoms, so sit next to me when you won't feel ashamed, damn it!" Fortunately I know the 2 other freakiest-looking people in the class (Sven & Ian), so we can scare all the well-dressed commuters together. By the end of tea-time, I'd convinced Veronica to join me in the class, so it'll be a quadruple-threat. Can't wait.

But this lack of attention in my first class was more than made up for in my second class (Chinese Literature in Translation). The professor is the same one I had last year in my Eastern Literature survey course (which is why I took this course), and his introductory lecture included the same basic thoughts as last year. Specifically, he talked about the concept of wén in early Chinese Literature. He started by writing the character on the board & asking for ideas on what it meant. So of course, I raised my hand & said, "um, pattern?" just like an airhead highschooler (I became unsure after raising my hand). Keep in mind that I'm one of about 7 non-Asian people in a class of about 90. Know-it-alls are so popular, n'est-ce pas?

To make things worse, I brought in the leftovers from my lunch, which I bought at one of the 2 woks on wheels on St. George street. I might as well have been wearing a t-shirt that said "obnoxious white girl...for I will sample your literature as I sample your cuisine. And that which I do not like will be heartlessly cast aside like this leafy green thing." Hiya.


Tea was good today, tho'. The first tea of the year always brings in a good mixture of unassuming frosh & hardcore UC'ers. If I've never mentioned this before, the building which houses the Dean's office serves free tea & homemade cookies every day from 3 to 4:30 or so. Cain once conceived of a plan to eat his entire tuition back in cookies, but gave up when he found out that it was entirely funded by the alumni association. It's generally a great place to meet, relax & get a bit of a caffeine boost to help you sail through the latter half of the day.

Off-campus students (like me) particularly like to use tea time to visit with all the people on the edges of their personal life. Last year I had to stop going because my friends were driving me into a murderous rage every time by being very annoying. The situation was worsened by the fact that I had an enormous & painfully unrequited crush on the Lawyer, who was a total asshole to me at every tea.

Today I chatted with Snag Boy, Jenni, Aphrodite, Veronica, Judith, Aegis & Palaver...not to mention a friend of Trevor, who seemed surprised that we were still together. This person seemed a fascinating resource of gossip concerning Trevor's last couple of years, but he just teased me with little blurted-out snippets of info before coyly retreating into "oh no, he'll kill me if I tell you" mode. Hermmm...ve haff vays of maaking you tok.


Today I went to Robarts to check out some diaries & basically find out if anyone misses me. Stacy's account of Nazerin & the cleavage incident made me double up with strangled laughter, prompting other patrons to wonder if I was crying. But it was Nigel's description of the business man was what really drew worried looks to me. What can I say, I'm a child. Nigel usually makes me laugh, but this was extraordinary. Damn, I miss my connection. It is hoped that I'll be able to upload these lovely entries at Robarts in a few days (i.e. whenever I work up the energy to drag my ass down to the internet terminals), although my email is still unreachable, remote, cursed, marhime. I guess the other side to my problem is that if I don't connect, you won't know the difference, now will you?


I've decided that many of the apartment's problems are made up for by the excellent water pressure. A good hot shower takes away many ills.


one year ago today: wordy & rococo 'coz I'm tired

