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Silly announcement of the day:

I'm breaking out on odd parts of my body...but only on the left side. Weird, huh?

October 14, 1998.

I'm really, really pathetic. I keep thinking how neat it would be to build up apartness, to store up loneliness, with the implicit understanding that the moment of reunion would be all the sweeter by the delay. I think this to myself, and I resolve to be strong. This isn't the pathetic part.

The pathetic part is that it usually takes about 15 minutes for the resolve to wear off. It's 9:35 p.m. I last saw Trevor less than 36 hours ago. I miss him an insane amount. That's the pathetic part.

But I do get a lot of work done, waiting for the phone to ring.


I really have nothing much to say today. Woke up late, went to class in my pj top, found out that it was cancelled, chatted with Sven & Veronica outside, dropped off my meal plan application, asked for a teacher's college application & got sent on a wild goose chase, blah blah blah blah blaaaaah.

Wrote my essay on The Libation Bearers with the firm notion that the House of Atreus was founded by the sowing of dragon's teeth, found out in class (after I'd handed in the essay) that I confused it with the Royal House of Thebes. Cringed, cast my mind frantically back to the essay to see if it could be salvaged, felt proud of myself for not saying 'oh, fuck' in front of a nun.

Rode back, made pasta without significant disaster, wrote an email to Stacy, saw Callum Keith Rennie burst into tears in the last 5 minutes of Due South & screamed with frustration because now I'll never know why...

Started a Diet Coke. Maximized the Word window.

Here I am. Boring as hell, but constant.

Ta da.


one year ago today: culinary disaster

