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Silly announcement of the day:

Trevor is the first person, male or female, that tasted of something other than beer the first time we kissed. And he usually smells like the olfactory page of Pat the Bunny.

(Is that cheating, because it's not about me? Oh well.)

October 11, 1998.

I have to say, I had an awesome time watching "Hockey Night In Canada" last night. Trevor's in the habit of watching the Leafs with 2 of his former roommates, and I was willing to go along with it, although I generally think of televised sports as 3 hours of my life I'll never get back. And like I said, it was awesome. I was the only girl, and coincidentally, the least educated about the NHL, so while the boys discussed pools & draft picks & possibilities, I concentrated on finding the puck on screen & getting drunk on my parents' beer. I think I had such a good time because all the boys were...how shall I put this tactfully?...not meatheads. Not macho sports dudes. I know that Exodus & Trevor spent most of their teens getting slain by elves, so this seems like a more reasoned passion for the puck.

It was also kinda freaky hanging out next-door to Palalver's house without seeing him. After the game, I was seized with the desire to call him & have the cell-phone conversation:

"Guess where I'm calling from! Next door!"

Yes, I was a bit tipsy at this point.


After we finished being hockey fans (for one night), Trevor, Exodus & I headed out to the Rock to meet Maharet & Daniel, as we've been trying to hook up all weekend. I was a bit galled at having to pay a $4 cover, but I've been spoiled by the Garden & Monday's at the Cave. Strangely enough, Akasha's entire generation was there (I'm tempted to say her 2 evil sisters, but they're not evil...not even a little.) I was a somewhat flashy presence in my brother's bright white Leaf's jersey, but it's not a club I feel very self-conscious at. There's so many other people in Brampton who make no effort in their club wear that I can't possibly be out of place (although, if we'd gone to the Garden, I think I would've set a new record for hostile stares). And if Maharet & Trevor don't mind being seen on the dance floor with me, then there are no problems.

Well, except for the brawl that broke out on the dance floor. I was on the edges, so I could get back quickly, but Maharet was right in the centre, and got drilled before she could ricochet out. Once she got free, I grabbed her & put my back to the dance floor...a sequence that filled my dreams last night. Me, not being able to do anything more productive than grabbing & sheltering her, while she trembles like a frightened bird in my arms.


one year ago today: a morning at the U.C. Jaymore, "where all the pleasures of life & love can be yours"

