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October 8, 1998.

Gosh, not much to say today. When the highlight of your day is going to bed early the night before so that you can hit the snooze button for a half-hour...well, let's just say that I'm not going to produce a scandalous entry full of immoderate drinking, pounding music, saucy repartee and tight black PVC undies. I had a rather good time buying Aegis lunch for his birthday, though. He's feeling a bit isolated in the new semester, something that I feel at the beginning of every year. It's a feeling heightened by his residence in Ottawa during the summer...when you live out of your main social circle, improbable hopes are born about the wild social life awaiting your return. The reality can never compare. But at least he's able to see Judith again...they're pretty devoted to each other, and he describes the summer as "depressing"...a pretty classic understatement.

I found out today that when Aegis is depressed, he feeds his dogs grapes. The dogs can't really work out how to eat the grapes in any efficient way, and the sugar taste maddens them...so you get 2 very frustrated dogs looking at Aegis reproachfully. He finds this endlessly amusing. His separation from Judith meant a whole lot of grapes for the dogs over the summer. Jeez. And I thought my summer was depressing...


Also managed to entice Stacy out to her first UC tea. I was hoping that some of the shadowy characters from my UC past would show up & turn the Union into an English soap opera (or some reasonable facsimile). But no soap. I spent most of the time moaning about my unrequited love for Professor Lindheim, anyway (why doesn't she like me? I like her! I've liked her from my first minute of university, damn it.)

Then we wandered over to Courage My Love to look for rings to address the jewelry gap in my relationship with Trevor. Looked seriously at the top hats, although this is a bad time to treat myself to a $60 accessory. The same hat made me look a bit like Death and Trevor more than a bit like the Mad Hatter...good effects, overall. Besides the rings, I walked out of Courage the proud temporary owner of 3 tiny coffee mugs, each about 1 1/2 cm tall. Gave one to Stacy before we parted, as my new motto is to give gifts to everyone whom I drag shopping. I find the idea of Stacy returning from her vacation with a minute coffee mug endlessly amusing...like she visited a land where they make wee coffee cups to fit the needs of those who've had their heads shrunken.

wish you were here...


one year ago today: showing off my bra to good advantage

