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November 11, 1998.

I got an awful lot done today, despite the cold & rainy trek to the hairdressers. It's prolly because I was trapped on campus, without my bed or computer or phone or food or anything that normally takes up my time. As the cold weather moves in, I'm having more & more trouble finding warm, well-lit bolt holes where I can read away the time between classes. Although Diabolos is a nice place, the semi-regular presence of Aphrodite (who puts on a forced cheeriness to say hi before quickly moving on)...it hurts me. Too bad Cranly & Tiger Lily couldn't murder our association without poisoning the friendship waters surrounding it.

And I still don't know what their problem is, damn it.


What else? I don't think I looked too attractive for my grad photos today. I decided to walk from the salon, since it was only 3 blocks to campus...mistake. Today was a day of gale-force winds, and my neat bob was in rough shape by the time I cleared the door of the Union. Did what I could with my hands and a borrowed comb, but I fear that my vanity will (once again) be disappointed. Drag.

However, I did make friends with Sophie the Salon Dog: a very friendly chihuahua who silently pattered around the place & jumped up onto my lap when I was tilted back into the hair-washing sink. I didn't think chihuahuas could be so cute & silent - she looked a lot like a foot-long rottweiler, not like that horrible over-bred bug-eyed chihuahua in the Taco Bell commercial.

Ugh. I have a headache...and 7 sonnets to read for tomorrow. Ciao.


one year ago today: remember this!

