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August 23, 1999.

I'm feeling better today. Partly because I'm eating better: less salty snacks, more 1% milk. Rah. And I'm down to one can of Diet Coke a day...at least, I am at the time of writing.

But I guess the main reason is that I feel like things are moving forward again. I got a big bundle of stuff in the mail today from the governing body that will allow me to teach in this province...and was appalled/annoyed to discover that if I proceed with my plan of getting certified out-of-province, I'll be put on "interim" status for 200 teaching days and have to pay $150 in "examination fees." As near as I can determine, this fee covers the stress of filing official transcripts from accredited non-Ontario institutions. My heart bleeds for the clerks; are they sure $150 is enough?

Never underestimate the healing power of annoyance at persnickety bureaucrats. Sheesh. It's not as if I'm getting my degree from the University of Nic.


"...and I'm not just the university namesake...I'm also a graduate of the University of Nic"

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