august 9, 2000.

It's my birthday! Hooray! The most specialest day of the year. The one day that I get to be the tyrannical bitch queen id girl that's normally held in check by social mores.


We had planned to go to Centre Island today, trying to recapture the magic of last year's picnic. But I felt sick when I woke up, and I'm treating myself really carefully now that my maid of honour has mono. So instead of a day of sunshine & rides, it was a day of reading Squee and rotating naps. That is to say, the Boy & I took turns sleeping; not that we spun around. That's just silly.

We also spent a fair bit of time watching my two new Powerpuff Girls videos, purchased for me by my favourite betrothed. I used to like Buttercup best, because she's the grumpiest girl - but now my favourite is Bubbles. She's just too over-the-top sweet, adorable to the power of 11. And that's the way I likes it.

When we finally left the Bachelor Pad in search of food & worldly goods, we found a hot, sticky, torn-up streetcar tracks world. We also found a whole bunch of neat stationary. Once again, I've dropped more than a c-note at the Japanese Paper Place. I can't help it, good paper is becoming a fetish. Speaking of such things, I've once again added to my freak wardrobe by purchasing a pair of black & white striped knee highs. As a birthday present to myself, they rank right up with the Dress of '97 in sheer coolness.

Then it was off to Kalendar for a small birthday gathering with Dirk & Tymothi:J, everyone else being out of town, unreachable or busy. Dirk has magnificently redeemed his birthday behavior of the past two years with a present that was not only on time, but multitudinous & glittery! To whit, he filled an accordion file with funky teaching supplies - filing them alphabetically, of course. It pleases me immensely.

(While we're on the subject of Dirk, he'd like me to publicly point out that the underwear mentioned in the July 26th entry was bought a size too small, and not, in fact a pair that he'd "grown too fat for." He insists that my phrasing was ambiguous in this regard. I hope we're all clear on this point now.)

Then we headed into the east end for some silly Keanu-Reeves-style happiness. Yep, we went to see The Matrix at a revue theatre. It was great fun - once you know the plot, you can concentrate on the easter eggs & such buried all over the script. Like seeing a familiar Shakespeare play, you can let the action go on while you admire the way the words fit together. Yes, I'm comparing The Matrix to Shakespeare. I'm the birthday queen and I can do what I wish.

We finished up the night at the Last Bachelor pad, eating left-over popcorn, watching the Powerpuff Girls & admiring Tymothi:J's birthday gift: a bottle of wine shaped like a cat. The epitome of birthday luxury, sweethearts.

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