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April 16, 1999.

I think all my graphics are fixed, touch wood. You may notice the April divider is back, and actually visible! Also, the illustration of the butterfly position in the March 30th entry is viewable. Joy. Now if I can only stop being such a dipstick, and remember to load graphics when I create them, and if Geocities continues to be a reasonable entity, things should be fab.


"Never again is what you swore the time before..."

This week I took my spring coat out of storage, only to find 14 inexplicable dollars in a little hidden pocket! Events took me past a music store, and I ended up splurging on Depeche Mode's "Violator." Now I truly am the pretentious mopey goth girl I pretend to be.


...that is, I would be her if I hadn't had several little ego boosts today. 1st of all, my Chinese Literature professor was very helpful about writing a letter of reference and translating my tattoo for me. He also suggested his fave Chinese phrase: "at the height of joy comes sorrow." Both would look very nice on my ankle.

Second of all, I spoke to my favourite English professor this afternoon, and not only was she nice and sweet and kind, but she also agreed to write a letter of reference for me, just as I'd wanted! Let me explain that I am totally intimidated by this woman. She introduced me to the Western classics, all of Shakespeare, and Renaissance Love Poetry to boot. She is ten times smarter than I will ever be, and very serious in class, and I really really want her to like me. I don't react this way to anyone but her.

And she offered to fill out forms if that was necessary!!

Thirdly, I picked up my test from my Romantic Poetry professor, along with the essay I wrote on chocolate and fear. I received good marks for both, and he made a point of asking me my future plans. When I responded, "Highschool English Teacher," he said, "Good, you'll make a wonderful one."

Are mopey goth girls supposed to float like this?


To top off the non-sexual pleasure overload today, I was the last on my block to see The Matrix. The effects were wonderful, of course. But gah...the clothes...the CLOTHES!!! I noticed a continuity error in one sequence because I was paying so much attention to her leather clothes.

It is truly the Tron of the nineties, and I don't mean that in a bad way.


And finally, to add the sexual element that was missing from that last segment, it is here that I publicly note that last night I woke up to the sound of my roommate having sex. This is the first time ever, since a) our bedrooms used to be on the opposite ends of the apartment b) she's only been dating this guy for a month or so and c) when school was on, I was too tired to be woken up by a boxspring squeaking in steadily increasing rhythm.

I guess now I can look forward to even more episodes of "dream dream dream 'what the hell is that?' kinda awake more awake 'oh. I see.' wait silence sleep." The Boy used to play Jingle Cats every time his roommate Christina the Shameless started going at it in the next room. Kind of a conditioning exercise. I wonder if they'd enjoy some Birthday Party?

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