whitney hall courtyard (where we worshipped the goat)

stomping grounds

Another perfect portrait. *sigh* It makes me think of what Heather said when she saw my Fireball picture in 98: "You know that you won't be allowed to look this good for a long time. You've used it all up."

This is the only picture where you can sort of make out the spiky chaos that was my bouquet. I had no idea what it was going to look like until it popped into my hand. Then I couldn't get over how gorgeous it was. All colourful & wild, all round & heavy - it felt solid as hell and the stems were cool under my hot nervous hands. Even the next day, I kept babbling to James about how beautiful & perfect the flowers were.

the union (reliving days of tea & roses)



"And this, Aleta, is how we can use the sun to tell the time."

This shot is known colloquially as the jackass picture.


This picture is called Post-Modern Irony Is Dead!

We are arrayed across the porch of the Union, where one can partake of tea and cookies most weekday afternoons. The grub is funded by alumni, and thus gloriously, blissfully free. (One year a guy I knew conceived of a scheme to eat his tuition back in tea & cookies, but when he found out that the money came from alumni, he realized that there was no point.)

This picture is a sort of a hommage to Guy, who is a music geek, a mad intellectual, a Ph.D. candidate in genetics and one of the most flamboyant regulars at Tea. In this shot, Scott is saying "post-modern irony is dead!" in what he earnestly believes to be an Israeli accent. This is a very Guy thing to say, you see.

Notice also that Nic on the far left is laughing, although he really has no idea what's going on. Sweet boy.

hart house courtyard (memories of medea)

In your twenties? Getting married? Why not cling to a nostalgic childhood instead?

Hey, I've only had this girl for a couple of months. And I don't do anything important or fun without my Groovy Girl Jayna. Welcome to my world - the world of a big baby.

(As we left the house in the morning, my parents got a serious look in their eyes. "You're not bringing the backpack or the dolls to the church," they said. In this case, they were right.)



I love this shot. This is me showing how I'm going to bring the smack down to all lesser brides. All I need is Vince McMahon and I'm all set.

Armed with the Pink Bag of Justice, Rocketbride is ever vigilant...

...and ready to spring into action!


do you have the stamina to endure the final u of t madness?  

 did they really flip the bird in elbow-length gloves?