Saturday, April 05, 2003 :::
I don't know why I keep trying to give things up. I just find something to replace them right away. For example... I decided that the jar of Nutella currently sitting in my cupboard would be my last. And then, I went to the grocery store and stocked up on hagelslag.

For those of you not in the know, hagelslag is chocolate sprinkles that you eat on buttered bread. Hey, it may sound disgusting but it's the greatest food known to man. The sprinkles aren't strictly crunchy. They're a little bit smushy, a little crunchy... in fact, just perfect.

So... this leaves me to wonder when I'm going to give up hagelslag. I had it for lunch yesterday, and I just had some for breakfast. The only saving grace is that I had it with veggie margarine and not butter.

On the plus side, my snacking for the day has consisted of almonds and nothing but almonds, which by Dr. Atkins standards is a good thing. I also had poached fish and a salad for dinner, followed by kiwi fruit for dessert, so I'm not doing so bad. I've decided to restrict the hagelslag only to the beginning of the day. I should just be glad they don't have this in Canada, which means that I'll escape it in four months. I'm sure I'll find something to replace it. I'll probably go on a cheesecake-baking binge and make everyone else around me get fat as I definitely can't eat large amounts of cheesecake.

::: posted by Alleen at 4/5/2003 04:02:49 AM

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