Thursday, March 27, 2003 :::

here is a picture of the two of us near the end of a stupifying amount of pannekoeken in amsterdam:

::: posted by Rocketbride at 3/27/2003 08:10:08 PM


i had a conversation with my "nutritionist" today. it didn't go too well. she asked how my eating was going, i told her that the drugs i'm on rev up my appetite so that i'm constantly miserable and very prone to "slips" when my control wears through.

she, in her wisdom, said, "oh."

i'm beginning to think it was a mistake to give this woman money.

i do however like my trainer. today we did 75 crunches and she made me feel good about it.

::: posted by Rocketbride at 3/27/2003 07:10:05 PM

Monday, March 24, 2003 :::
Sunday food: 2 kiwi fruits, last waffle cookie, poffertjes met slagroom en bananen (yum!), glass of orange juice, onion cheese bread, fillet of tilapia (with lemon cactus spa sauce and green onions -- sure it sounds funny, but when you're as cooking retarded as me, you have to use whatever's there. And it was tasty so shut up), asparagus tips and haricots verts (steamed). Filling. But I sure got my fruits and veggies for the day. My only excuse is that I thought that they were all about to go bad and I'm against tossing good food away.

I spent part of this morning drinking ginger ale to combat the aftereffects of the green veggie binge. Dear god, when will I learn? You'd think the brussel sprout incident would have been enough. Ow. Owie.

::: posted by Alleen at 3/24/2003 12:36:44 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2003 :::
Okee dokee. Food intake for the week.

Monday: Bowl of cereal (Honey nut cheerios and soy milk); 2 lady fingers; bowl of spaghetti with pesto, pine nuts, mushrooms, and shrimp; two french bread sandwiches with turkey, mayo, and cucumber; a bowl of salad with butter lettuce, cherry tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, pine nuts,and sundried tomato bits; 4 pints cider.

Tuesday: Bowl of cereal (HNC and soy milk); 4 waffle cookies; thin-crust pizza with mushrooms, chees, and tomato sauce; 3 reverse chocolate chip cookies (yeah, like I was able to resist?); one white chocolate egg (ditto); bowl of chicken noodle soup; salad with butter lettuce, olive oil and vinegar, and half a cucumber.

Wednesday: didn't write it down.

Thursday: didn't write it down.

Friday: didn't write it down.

Saturday: bowl of cereal (HNC and soy milk); banana; glass of orange juice; small latte; small waffle; onion cheese bread, small; massive chinese meal for dinner including cashew and vegetable chicken, sweet and sour chicken with pineapple, chow mein with prawns, and jasmine tea. All eaten before 7pm.

I'm not particularly happy with this week, but it sure highlights two things: That I have no resistance to reverse chocolate chip cookies, if such a thing even exists (the resistance that is, not the reverse chocolate chip cookies, which do exist and are yummy), and that I eat too much crap. More fruits and vegetables. Less crap. I'm working on it.

::: posted by Alleen at 3/23/2003 03:09:25 AM

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