Really good morning at SMILE today. My assignment, Lil' Orphan Annie - who, by the way, is neither an orphan nor named Annie - has bonded to me with a vengeance. On both days Annie has been a sweet child and very easy to get along with, but this was the first day that I really felt her trust. This is, of course, a very tangible benefit when you are teaching a child to swim. Last week she wouldn't let go of me for anything; this morning she dog paddled 1 metre unassisted. I am amazed & happy.

Sure, it would've been a different and interesting challenge to have a child with severe attachment anxiety, or to be partnered with a child who hits others frequently because s/he is truly unaware that this hurts another (both of which are children I saw today), but I'm selfishly glad that Annie is an smiley little tyke. It helps me to come out of my shell as well.


This afternoon we went to Halifax for less than an hour to do some quick clothes shopping, then went home to bake a quiche for tonight's church potluck. I enjoy making quiches because they're not really that difficult to assemble and they're so impressive darling. Besides. I like to eat them.

The potluck was held before a performance of Mark Twain's The War Prayer, which was very good & moving & all that. I'm a little bit sour on the whole thing because a local whom I find ever-so-slightly patronizing dominated the post-performance discussion. (Our first exchange ever was at the Quebec sympathy rally: he mentioned flat tax, I made some response, he said "I don't think you understand what I mean" in the snootiest way possible and I replied, "well, why don't you explain it to me then?" It's been an uphill battle ever since.)

Anyway, I'm not sure I learned anything other than "war is bad!" and "some Christians misinterpret the message of Christ!" which are hardly insights worth the sore back I incurred at the discussion.


Last night: From Hell. I have to say that it was one of the stupidest movies I've seen lately, but I still enjoyed it thoroughly. As long as Johnny Depp drinks absinthe & laudanum in the bathtub; you can count me in on the stupidest of movies. I do have to give props to Dav for pointing out that it's a little boring for those who haven't read the original book by Alan Moore (who is probably still trying to find out how many hundred dollar bills he can stick into his beard) and excruciatingly lame for those who have. And yet there is Johnny Depp in period clothes, which maketh all things well.


this time o so many years ago: this is the first time in 4 years that I've written an entry on October 20. You have the night off.