october 15, 2000.

Meh. For a day of rest, Sunday is pretty jam packed with duties. Still…there's something about the lack of retail opportunities that's a balm to my spirit - I'm old enough to remember Ontario before Sunday Shopping, and at the time of implementation, opponents to the plan predicted that low-wage workers would be pressured into extra hours due to financial necessity and/or employer amorality. Well, it went through and guess what? All the employers who so righteously promised to build a day-off into the system reneged. Never pin your hopes to the high moral standards of the business community; that's my motto. I just hope that the forces of torpor keep Nova Scotia from following every other province into the murky territory of 7-day shopping. There's a human-ness to the idea of a day off, even if it doesn't happen to coincide with your particular religious shoebox of beliefs. It's a nod to the idea that we're not bloody machines, to be programmed by economic slavery and delayed consumer gratification.

Ahem. Where did that rant come from? Well, it's late & my head hurts. But that's no excuse. I suppose that with the Boy & I getting along so well this weekend, I just needed a place to be angry. How twisted is that?

entry called on account of sleep