the boy

a.k.a. the mate, the husband and of course rocketgroom.
he puts the bride into rocketbride. very kind, very fun, very smart boy. my favourite person in town, by a wide margin.
the boy's equivalent of a mad wife in the attic - in this case, a 4-year-old grey longhair cat that likes to be pet while she eats. sometimes my furry friend, but mostly the bane of my existence.
i don't know too much about her right now, but i think she will be my first nova scotia friend.
princess leah
a former annapolis valley punk and accomplished flautist who dates saint pete & only occasionally forgets that the ocean stinks.

saint pete

a u of t alumni with a flair for the dramatic, he is most closely associated with saint jack and saint stephen, although he's currently all snuggly with princess leah. a boy who needs his globe & mail on a daily basis, he shall be either an opera star or a history teacher when he grows up.