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"i haven't been tickled like that since gradeschool."

November 13, 1999.

"The world's gonna end in 5 minutes, and you promised you'd fuck me."
- jay

Last night the Boy & I went out to see the new Kevin Smith film, Dogma. I enjoyed it very much, but in a way I wished it hadn't been made...so many skillful things were done in it that corresponded exactly with Neil Gaiman's Good Omens that if GO was ever mad into a movie, people would accuse it of ripping off Dogma. Especially Alan Rickman...he'd make a marvelous Crowley.

In any case, I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I'd suspected Smith to come out with something sulphurously blasphemous, but it's actually a very spiritual movie in its' way. No, not because it makes such clever use of Christian mythology, but because it overtly rejects organized religion in favour of homespun "real" spirituality; something that comes from inside rather than out. It's also a hell of a good time & occasionally intelligent - Smith has always been a clever writer, but this script is way smarter than the Mallrats (okay, how could it miss.)

And Ben Affleck is really really good as an angry angel. Not to mention Alanis Morisette as a Delirium-like God that never opens Her mouth & does handstands on the grass. Very pleasing.

On the way out, we noticed that one of the theatres is playing a kids movie in the afternoon & an older one at night, employing the split poster display to an interesting effect...as the films are Elmo in Grouchland and Fight Club. This prompted us to imagine Fight Club acted entirely by Muppets. I mean, it's perfect. Grover is experiencing a crisis of confidence (what else is new, he's the most insecure Muppet in the world) & meets the charismatic (and ohhh so cuddly) Elmo on a New York bus. Grover is gradually subsumed into the crazy giggling world of Elmo, and feels that he is about to be replaced ("I'm the you you want to be. I look like you want to look, I talk like you want to talk, I giggle like you want to giggle...") Then Grover is hit by a bus & Elmo "replaces" him.

Imagine for yourself how the line, "he had these big bitch tits" would sound coming out of Grover's mouth.


Still grinding away on the teacher's college apps. I'm not encouraged by the fact that every teacher alive tells me that the B.Ed. degree is a total waste of time.

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